Percussion - Lumbar Rotation
Percussion - Lumbar Extension
Percussion - Lumbar Flexion
SMFR Supine Horizontal Spine Mobilization on 4” Foam Roll
Lumbar Extension, Thoracic Extension, Thoracic Rotation, Thoracic Side-Bending, Lumbar, ThoracicMatt AdlerSMFR, FRP Stretch, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
SMFR Hip Flexor
SMFR Prone TFL / Anterior Hip
SMFR Prone Quadricep Group - Proximal Hip
SMFR Supine Longitudinal Mid Back Mobilization on 6” Foam Roll
Standing Spinal Rotation to Flexion
Mid Back, Low Back, Thoracic Side-Bending, Lumbar Side-Bending, Thoracic Flexion, Lumbar Flexion, Lumbar, ThoracicMatt AdlerAIS, Standing, At Home, No Equipment, PCU0821, FRP Stretch, Intermediate, Advanced
Standing Spinal Flexion
Low Back, Mid Back, Lumbar Flexion, Thoracic Flexion, Lumbar, ThoracicMatt AdlerStatic, Standing, At Home, At Work, No Equipment, PCU0821, LakeHVCU1221, LakeCCDU20222, LakeTNCC0222, fmolselfcare2022, LakeNonInvCardio0622, AngelsSupply0622, LakeRehab0622, AngelsEVS0622, OLOLCHPedsSoutheastAugust2022, OLOLCHPedsGoodwoodAugust2022, OLOLCHPedsGeneticsAugust2022, OLOLCHPedsAcademicAugust2022, OLOLPGSlidellENT_092022, OLOLPGCovington_092022, FRP Stretch, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Standing Low Back Side Bend
Low Back, Lumbar Side-Bending, LumbarMatt AdlerDynamic, Standing, At Home, At Work, No Equipment, OLOLCHPedsGeneticsAugust2022, FRP Stretch, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Standing Low Back Extension
Spinal Side Bend (Ball)
Mid Back, Low Back, Thoracic Side-Bending, Lumbar Side-Bending, Lumbar, ThoracicMatt AdlerStatic, Sidelying, At Home, Equipment, FRP Stretch, Intermediate, Advanced
Spinal Flossing
Spinal Flexion (Floor)
Low Back, Lumbar Flexion, Thoracic Flexion, Lumbar, ThoracicMatt AdlerAIS, Seated, At Home, No Equipment, FRP Stretch, Beginner, Intermediate
Sidelying Low Back Rotation
Sidelying Hip Flexor (Strap)
Thomas Test, Modified Thomas Test, Lumbar Extension, Hip Prone Extension, Lumbar, Leg, Low Back, Hips/PelvisMatt AdlerAIS, Sidelying, At Home, Equipment, FRP Stretch, Intermediate, Advanced, vicki
Mid Back Side Bend
Low Back, Mid Back, Lumbar Side-Bending, Thoracic Side-Bending, Lumbar, ThoracicMatt AdlerAIS, Seated, At Home, At Work, No Equipment, Ergo Mid Back, Ergo Low Back, FRP Stretch, Beginner, Intermediate
Seated Spinal Rotation to Flexion
Low Back, Mid Back, Lumbar Rotation, Lumbar Flexion, Thoracic Rotation, Thoracic Flexion, Lumbar, ThoracicMatt AdlerAIS, Seated, At Home, No Equipment, FRP Stretch, Intermediate, Advanced
Seated Low Back Extension
Low Back, Mid Back, Lumbar Extension, LumbarMatt AdlerStatic, Seated, At Home, At Work, No Equipment, Ergo Low Back, OLOLPGSlidellENT_092022, FRP Stretch, Beginner