Mid Back Side Bend



Target: Left Mid Back, Low Back
Position: Standing or Seated
Count 1 rep after bending spine to side

  1. Sit or stand upright with feet outside of knees

  2. Place hands by head with elbows open wide and shoulder blades squeezed together throughout stretch

  3. Side bend to right keeping left hip down

  4. Progression: Side bend farther down to right to increase stretch in left side of torso

Target: Right Mid Back, Low Back
Position: Standing or Seated
Count 1 rep after bending spine to side

  1. Sit or stand upright with feet outside of knees

  2. Place hands by head with elbows open wide and shoulder blades squeezed together throughout stretch

  3. Side bend to left keeping right hip down

  4. Progression: Side bend farther down to left to increase stretch in right side of torso