Seated Straight Leg Calf (Strap)


Target: Left Leg, Ankle, Calf
Position: Seated
Count 1 rep after bringing foot up towards knee

  1. Sit on floor with left leg extended in front of body

  2. Keep right knee bent and foot flat on floor

  3. Place strap around top of left foot

  4. Hold strap with both hands or left hand

  5. Keep left thigh tight while contracting left shin to bring left foot towards hip

  6. Pull strap to increase stretch in left calf

  7. Progression: Increase left foot moving farther towards hip with strap


Target: Right Leg, Ankle, Calf
Position: Seated
Count 1 rep after bringing foot up towards knee

  1. Sit on floor with right leg extended in front of body

  2. Keep left knee bent and foot flat on floor

  3. Place strap around top of right foot

  4. Hold strap with both hands or right hand

  5. Keep right thigh tight while contracting right shin to bring right foot towards hip

  6. Pull strap to increase stretch in right calf

  7. Progression: Increase right foot moving farther towards hip with strap