Sidelying Hip Flexor (Strap)
Target: Left Leg, Hip, Knee, Thigh
Position: Lying on Side
Count 1 rep after bringing leg behind body
Loop strap around left foot and back over left shoulder
Lie on right side with both knees bent at 90° and strap in left hand
Keep left knee at 90° at hip height through stretch
Contract left glute/hip to bring knee back behind hip
Pull strap to increase stretch in front of left leg with knee at 90°
Progression: Contract left glute and bring knee farther back behind left hip with strap
Target: Right Leg, Hip, Knee, Thigh
Position: Lying on Side
Count 1 rep after bringing leg behind body
Loop strap around right foot and back over right shoulder
Lie on left side with both knees bent at 90° and strap in right hand
Keep right knee at 90° at hip height through stretch
Contract right glute/hip to bring knee back behind hip
Pull strap to increase stretch in front of right leg with knee at 90°
Progression: Contract right glute and bring knee farther back behind right hip with strap