Percussion - Lumbar Flexion
Standing Spinal Rotation to Flexion
Mid Back, Low Back, Thoracic Side-Bending, Lumbar Side-Bending, Thoracic Flexion, Lumbar Flexion, Lumbar, ThoracicMatt AdlerAIS, Standing, At Home, No Equipment, PCU0821, FRP Stretch, Intermediate, Advanced
Standing Spinal Flexion
Low Back, Mid Back, Lumbar Flexion, Thoracic Flexion, Lumbar, ThoracicMatt AdlerStatic, Standing, At Home, At Work, No Equipment, PCU0821, LakeHVCU1221, LakeCCDU20222, LakeTNCC0222, fmolselfcare2022, LakeNonInvCardio0622, AngelsSupply0622, LakeRehab0622, AngelsEVS0622, OLOLCHPedsSoutheastAugust2022, OLOLCHPedsGoodwoodAugust2022, OLOLCHPedsGeneticsAugust2022, OLOLCHPedsAcademicAugust2022, OLOLPGSlidellENT_092022, OLOLPGCovington_092022, FRP Stretch, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Spinal Flexion (Floor)
Low Back, Lumbar Flexion, Thoracic Flexion, Lumbar, ThoracicMatt AdlerAIS, Seated, At Home, No Equipment, FRP Stretch, Beginner, Intermediate
Seated Spinal Rotation to Flexion
Low Back, Mid Back, Lumbar Rotation, Lumbar Flexion, Thoracic Rotation, Thoracic Flexion, Lumbar, ThoracicMatt AdlerAIS, Seated, At Home, No Equipment, FRP Stretch, Intermediate, Advanced
Seated Bent Knee Spinal Flexion
Low Back, Mid Back, Lumbar Flexion, Thoracic Flexion, ThoracicMatt AdlerAIS, Seated, At Home, At Work, Equipment, FRP Stretch, Beginner, Intermediate
Lying Knee to Chest
Knee to Chest
Low Back, Lumbar Flexion, LumbarMatt AdlerAIS, Supine, At Home, No Equipment, FRP Stretch, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced