Shoulder Flexion (Palm Up)
Target: Left Arm, Shoulder, Chest
Position: Seated or Standing
Count 1 rep after reaching arm overhead
1Extend spine in upright posture with both arms at side with palms facing body
2Keep left arm fully extended and elbow stiff outside of shoulder width
3Lift left arm out front and overhead while rotating lower arm and hand upward
4Progression: Rotate palm farther upward with lift to increase stretch in left shoulder
Target: Right Arm, Shoulder, Chest
Position: Seated or Standing
Count 1 rep after reaching arm overhead
1Extend spine in upright posture with both arms at side with palms facing body
2Keep right arm fully extended and elbow stiff outside of shoulder width
3Lift right arm out front and overhead while rotating lower arm and hand upward
4Progression: Rotate palm farther upward with lift to increase stretch in right shoulder