Arm Out To Side Palm Down
Target: Left Arm, Shoulder, Chest
Position: Standing or Seated
Count 1 rep when arms return to neutral
Extend spine in upright posture
Lift left arm out front at 90° with palm facing body and thumb to ceiling
Rotate palm towards floor with hand open wide
Reach arm out and back behind body with palm facing floor
At end range, rotate palm back and down with thumb toward floor
Progression: Bring left arm back farther behind body and rotate palm farther to increase stretch in left side
Target: Right Arm, Shoulder, Chest
Position: Standing or Seated
Count 1 rep when arms return to neutral
Extend spine in upright posture
Lift right arm out front at 90° with palm facing body and thumb to ceiling
Rotate palm towards floor with hand open wide
Reach arm out and back behind body with palm facing floor
At end range, rotate palm back and down with thumb toward floor
Progression: Bring left arm back farther behind body and rotate palm farther to increase stretch in right side