Open Stance Rear Knee Straight



Target: Left Leg, Ankle, Calf
Position: Standing
Count 1 rep after shifting hips forward and pressing left heel into floor

  1. Stand with right leg out front and left leg behind body

  2. Keep both feet straight and in line with knees

  3. Shift hips forward bringing right knee over right foot

  4. Contract left thigh to extend knee and press left heel into floor

  5. Feel stretch at top of left calf

  6. Progression: Shift hips farther forward or increase stride length

Target: Right Leg, Ankle, Calf
Position: Standing
Count 1 rep after shifting hips forward and pressing right heel into floor

  1. Stand with left leg out front and right leg behind body

  2. Keep both feet straight and in line with knees

  3. Shift hips forward bringing left knee over left foot

  4. Contract right thigh to extend knee and press right heel into floor

  5. Feel stretch at top of right calf

  6. Progression: Shift hips farther forward or increase stride length