Lying Hip IR (Strap)
Target: Left Leg, Hip, Glute
Position: Lying on Back
Count 1 rep after rotating foot/shin away from body
Lie on back with legs straight
Lift left leg off ground with knee 90° over hip
Loop strap around left foot in left hand
Place right hand on left knee
Contract left hip muscles to rotate left foot away from body
Pull strap with left hand to assist stretch at end range
Progression: Use left hip and left hand to rotate left foot/shin farther from body to increase stretch
Target: Right Leg, Hip, Glute
Position: Lying on BacK
Count 1 rep after rotating foot/shin away from body
Lie on back with legs straight
Lift right leg off ground with knee 90° over hip
Loop strap around right foot in right hand
Place left hand on right knee
Contract right hip muscles to rotate right foot away from body
Pull strap with right hand to assist stretch at end range
Progression: Use right hip and right hand to rotate right foot/shin farther from body to increase stretch