Shoulder Bent Elbow
Target: Left Arm, Shoulder
Position: Kneeling
Count 1 rep after lowering body toward ground and extending shoulders
Start on hands and knees with object/surface at mid-chest height
Place left elbow on object/surface with elbow bent at 90°
Place right hand on ground or both elbows on object/surface
Keep mid and lower back arched (not rounded)
Lower hips down toward heels
Exhale and sink chest toward ground pressing left elbow into object surface
Lower chest towards ground to increase stretch
Target: Right Arm, Shoulder
Position: Kneeling
Count 1 rep after lowering body toward ground and extending shoulders
Start on hands and knees with object/surface at mid-chest height
Place right elbow on object/surface with elbow bent at 90°
Place left hand on ground or both elbows on object/surface
Keep mid and lower back arched (not rounded)
Lower hips down toward heels
Exhale and sink chest toward ground pressing right elbow into object surface
Lower chest towards ground to increase stretch