Wrist Extension
Target: Left Elbow, Forearm, Wrist, Hand
Position: Seated or Standing
Count 1 rep after extending hand to floor with opposite hand
Extend spine in upright posture
Place left arm straight in front of body at shoulder height
Keep palm facing up
Extend hand down towards floor
Grasp left hand/fingers with right hand to assist extension
Progression: Use right hand to assist extending left hand farther down to floor
Target: Right Elbow, Forearm, Wrist, Hand
Position: Seated or Standing
Count 1 rep after extending hand to floor with opposite hand
Extend spine in upright posture
Place right arm straight in front of body at shoulder height
Keep palm facing up
Extend hand down towards floor
Grasp right hand/fingers with left hand to assist extension
Progression: Use left hand to assist extending right hand farther down to floor