Heel to Glute
Target: Left Leg, Hip, Knee, Hip Flexor, Thigh
Position: Standing
Count 1 rep after bringing foot back to glute
Stand in an upright posture with legs outside of hips
Keep feet straight and knees extended
Lean torso forward slightly
Shift weight to right leg while bending left knee
Keep left knee under hip and bring left foot to left glute
Grab left foot with left hand to assist stretch
Progression: Bring knee farther back behind hip or foot farther to glute
Target: Right Leg, Hip, Knee, Hip Flexor, Thigh
Position: Standing
Count 1 rep after bringing foot back to glute
Stand in an upright posture with legs outside of hips
Keep feet straight and knees extended
Lean torso forward slightly
Shift weight to left leg while bending right knee
Keep right knee under hip and bring right foot to right glute
Grab right foot with right hand to assist stretch
Progression: Bring knee farther back behind hip or foot farther to glute