SMFR Outer Upper Hip


Target: Left Leg, Hip, IT Band, Glute, Thigh
Position: Lying on Side

  1. Sit on roller with top of left outer hip/glute on top of roller

  2. Place left hand on ground for support

  3. Place right hand on right knee for balance

  4. Allow left leg to turn inwards

  5. Move roller along outside of upper left hip/glute from top of hip to below the bottom of glute

  6. Move in 1 inch increments with muscle fully relaxed

  7. Hold any tender spot for 10-15 seconds


Target: Right Leg, Hip, IT Band, Glute, Thigh
Position: Lying on Side

  1. Sit on roller with top of right outer hip/glute on top of roller

  2. Place right hand on ground for support

  3. Place left hand on left knee for balance

  4. Allow right leg to turn inwards

  5. Move roller along outside of upper right hip/glute from top of hip to below the bottom of glute

  6. Move in 1 inch increments with muscle fully relaxed

  7. Hold any tender spot for 10-15 seconds