Hands Knees Mid Back Rotation
Target: Left Mid Back
Position: Kneeling
Count 1 rep after torso rotation
Start on hands and knees
Keep hands under shoulders and knees under hips
Place left hand by side or back of head
Slightly sink hips back to heels and arch back into extension (not rounded)
Rotate torso to left while bringing left elbow/arm behind body with rotation
Exhale throughout stretch
Rotate torso farther to the left or left elbow/arm farther behind body to increase stretch
Target: Right Mid Back
Position: Kneeling
Count 1 rep after torso rotation
Start on hands and knees
Keep hands under shoulders and knees under hips
Place right hand by side or back of head
Slightly sink hips back to heels and arch back into extension (not rounded)
Rotate torso to right while bringing right elbow/arm behind body with rotation
Exhale throughout stretch
Rotate torso farther to the right or reach right elbow/arm farther behind body to increase stretch