High levels of elbow stability and wrist mobility are necessary for proper shoulder positions and hand grip strength, as well as freedom of movement even into the spinal region with many activities that require repetitive upper body movements like reaching, grabbing, twisting, turning, pushing, pulling, and pinching.
Benefits of improving mobility in the arms, wrists, and hands:
Ensuring equal flexibility and alignment throughout the joints in the arm results in the optimal strength and position of the arms in activities that directly involve the shoulder, elbows, wrists, and hands, while decreasing mid back and neck tension.
Ensuring optimal levels of motion in the arms results in increased strength and endurance of the entire upper body and protects the shoulder, elbow, and wrist joint structures from unnecessary overuse and repetitive stress injuries.
Improving wrist and elbow range of motion and lower arm flexibility allows for proper grip strength, increases functional strength throughout the entire upper extremity in isolated activities such as pinching, grabbing, twisting, and turning, as well as integrated activities that involve the entire arm and/or torso like pushing and pulling movements; while reducing stress in repetitive hand movements, and aligns the elbow to reduce stress in instances where support is needed such as in weight bearing on hands / arms and in falls.